My Page on Github
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1 About Me
I am a software engineer. I write some open source code, mainly to scratch my own back at first, but I also want it to be more useful to other people.
I use dvp – Programmer Dvorak as my keyboard layout, use the same Input Method(s) under Windows/Linux/Emacs, all developed by myself. Just to show you what a geek I am:-)
2 Projects
- beagrep
Beagrep is a fork of beagle, which is a desktop search engine; I hacked beagrep to make it more suitable for precise searching, such as code reading.
It has both Linux and Windows version.
- org-jira
Brings org mode and Jira together.
SDIM, or Shadow Dance Input Method, is an input method I develop and use myself only. It is available under 3 platforms, Linux, Windows, and Emacs.
- Semi Offline Wikipedia
It is a fork of this project. I fixed some bugs, updated the mediawiki base version, and added one major feature: allow fetching pictures when connected to the net (thus the word Semi in the name).
It uses the beagrep project for fast searching.
- refactory-rename
A script for one important refactory activity: renaming.
Supports refactoring any kind of programming language source code.
- Misc
A lot other stuff I wrote. I always try to write something when I face a repetitive problem, even when it's very simple.
You can find them under system-config.git. This project used to be named windows-config, but I have bitten the bullet and renamed it, because it's only by chance that I was using Win32 when I started the project for Cygwin configuration; most of the stuff can be used on all major POSIX platforms.